Growth Groups

join us!

Sundays @ 10:00 AM

growth groups are the heart of fellowship at fountain of life 

Growth Groups are Fountain of Life's weekly small group bible studies, where we 'gather to grow in the Gospel' beyond Sunday services. With a variety of days/times to choose from, Growth Groups are an opportunity to build friendships and let the Word take deeper root in our minds and hearts. If you are interested in joining a group or learning more, please visit the Connections Team outside after the service or email us! 


How many people will be in my group?
Growth Groups are small groups of 4-7 persons with one leader. Groups this size offer an opportunity for intentional participation and for building relationships with one another.
What is my commitment when I join a group?
Growth Groups are weekly gatherings that typically run 60-90 minutes over the course of 8 weeks. Some groups choose to run continually.
How do I choose a group to join?
While all Growth Groups continue to study the text from that week's service, sharing insights and discussing application, there are different men's, women's and co-ed groups that run at various days/times. Please visit the Connections Team outside after the service or email us ( to get involved with a current group!


Watch or listen to the latest sermon

Digital growth group printable sheet (coming soon).