what we believe
about scripture
We believe the Bible, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, to be inspired by God, inerrant in the original writings, infallible, and the final authority for doctrine (what we believe) and life (how we live). The Bible is our covenant document; through it we know God, ourselves, and what God wants for us.
2 Timothy 3:14-17 | Isaiah 66:2 | John 10:35 | Psalm 19:7-11 | Psalm 119:1-176 | 1 Peter 1:22-25 | Matthew 4:4 | Colossians 3:16-17
about god
We believe in One Holy Triune God who eternally exists in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Persons of the Trinity are co-eternally equal in divine essence and perfection, co-eternally distinct in Person, and worthy to be praised for their glorious attributes (including but not limited to sovereignty, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, justice, and love). We believe that God does all things for His glory, and we rejoice that it is both right and loving for Him to do so.
Isaiah 6:3 | Psalm 115:3 | Isaiah 43:10-13 | Psalm 139:1-12 | Revelation 22:13 | Deuteronomy 6:4 | 2 Corinthians 13:14 | Romans 11:33-36 | Isaiah 26:7-9 | Isaiah 43:7 | Isaiah 48:11
ABOUT jesus
We believe that Jesus is the eternal Son of God through whom all things were made, who, without ceasing to be God, became a man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. For the glory of His Father and the salvation of His people, Jesus lived a perfect life of righteousness and humbled himself to death on a cross as a representative, vicarious substitutionary atonement for sin. His victory and vindication is seen in His literal, physical resurrection. Exalted at the right hand of the Father, He reigns now in glory over all things, interceding for His people as Head of the Church. He will return triumphantly to judge the living and the dead.
1 Corinthians 15:3-6 | Philippians 2:5-11 | John 1:1-18 | 1 Peter 4:5 | Romans 3:24 | 1 Peter 2:24 | Ephesians 1:7 | Romans 8:34 | 1 John 2:1-2
ABOUT the holy spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person applies the benefits of Jesus' work to the lives of God's people. He regenerates the heart: convicting of sin, enlightening the heart to the glory of Christ, and enabling faith. He sanctifies: dwelling in believers, producing fruit, and giving gifts. He seals: preserving the faith of believers and preserving the obedience of believers. The Holy Spirit does all these things until the day of Christ's return.
John 3:5-8 | John 15:26 | Galatians 5:16-24 | Ephesians 1:13 | Ephesians 4:30 | 1 Corinthians 12:1-31
ABOUT humanity
Men and women are made in the image of God and are meant to find their joy in Him. However, through Adam, humanity has fallen into total depravity and has inherited a sinful nature wherein we delight in and practice sin continually. Humanity is, left to itself, completely unable to remedy its lost condition.
Genesis 1:26-27 | Romans 3:22-23 | Ephesians 2:1-3 | Ephesians 2:12
ABOUT salvation
We believe that salvation is of the Lord. We are saved by His grace through faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us on the cross. It is not our works that save us, as even our faith is a gift from God, so that we boast only in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:8-10 | 1 Peter 1:18-19 | Galatians 2:20 | 1 Thessalonians 5:9
ABOUT The Church
The church is a community of God's regenerated people who trust in and live for Jesus Christ by grace through faith. The church is led and fed by Jesus, as she is His body, bride, temple, family, and army. If you love Jesus, you will love His church. The church is God's primary vehicle for accomplishing His purposes, existing whole-heartedly for His glory.
Ephesians 3:8-9 | Acts 9:1-5 | Ephesians 5:25-27 | 1 Peter 2:4-5 | 1 Timothy 3:15 | Isaiah 43:7